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  • international seo hreflang

    Hi I have a few questions about href lang implementation and I was hoping for some guidance / opinions. An international website is using mostly a folder structure, but for some locations it might have standalone sub-domains. Some folders are there to target locations and languages, with others just targeting languages. See the list below: [Language: Spanish - Location: Mexico] [Language: Portuguese - Location: Brazil] [Language: Japanese - Location: Japan] [Language: English - Location: Japan] [Language: French - Location: Canada] [Language: English - Location: Canada] [Language: English - Location: Ireland] [Language: Arabic] [Language: Tagalog] [Language: Italian] [Language: Turkish] [Language: Korean] [Language: French] [Language: Russian] [Language: Vietnamese] [Language: English - Location Indian] [Language: Hindi - Location Indian] My questions are: Is href lang sitemap equally as good as the href lang meta tag in terms of effectiveness. I know that the sitemap is easier to maintain and upkeep but i don't know which one is better as google recommends both. How do you mix your listings when some are targeting language and country and others are just targeting language speakers (not tied to any specific country). So take for example in the list above: there would be a general site for french speakers and then one for french speakers in Canada. Thanks for your advise in advance.

    International SEO | | MarkCanning

  • international seo crawling

    Hi, I am working on the SEO of an online gaming platform - a platform that can only be accessed by people in certain countries, where the games and content are legally allowed.
    Example: The games are not allowed in the USA, but they are allowed in Canada. Present Situation:
    Presently when a user from the USA visits the site they get directed to a restricted location page with the following message: RESTRICTED LOCATION
    Due to licensing restrictions, we can't currently offer our services in your location. We're working hard to expand our reach, so stay tuned for updates! Because USA visitors are blocked Google which primarily (but not always) crawls from the USA is also blocked, so the company webpages are not being crawled and indexed. Objective / What we want to achieve: The website will have multiple region and language locations. Some of these will exist as standalone websites and others will exist as folders on the domain. Examples below: [English Canada] [french Canada] [spanish mexico] [portugese brazil] [hindi India] If a user from USA or another restricted location tries to access our site they should not have access but should get a restricted access message.
    However we still want google to be able to access, crawl and index our pages. Can i suggest how do we do this without getting done for cloaking etc? Would this approach be ok? (please see below) We continue to work as the present situation is presently doing, showing visitors from the USA a restricted message.
    However rather than redirecting these visitors to a restricted location page, we just black out the page and show them a floating message as if it were a model window.
    While Googlebot would be allowed to visit and crawl the website. I have also read that it would be good to put paywall schema on each webpage to let Google know that we are not cloaking and its a restricted paid page. All public pages are accessible but only if the visitor is from a location that is not restricted Any feedback and direction that can be given would be greatly appreciated as i am new to this angle of SEO. Sincere thanks,

    International SEO | | MarkCanning

  • site name international seo cctlds

    We are currently experiencing issues with our subdomain SiteName. Our parent company root domain is a Japanese language site, but we have an English subdomain that is for the United States primarily, and nearly rest of world for organic traffic. Our issue is that we have followed the guidelines here: There was a large post on here with many responses including Googlers with issues others were having, but it has since been removed. Here is the code in place on our homepage: <script
    type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "",
    "@type": "WebSite",
    "name": "Mescius Developer Tools",
    "alternateName": ["Mescius, inc.", ""],
    "url": "" }
    </script> Unfortunately this is what is appearing in the SERP. It is using the Japanese equivalent of our parent company. Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 3.37.55 PM.png Even though the relationship between root and subdomain should not be causing this, it seems like something is impacting this incorrect SiteName, and it is impacting CTR for the subdomain. Has anyone else experienced this and found a fix?

    Technical SEO | | Evan_Wright

  • cctlds international seo hreflang 301 redirects change of address tool

    Hi, I have a website targeting 3 markets (and therefor 3 languages). I was currently using a single domain with each market being targeted in the following format: It's clear to me by looking at organic results, that in my industry (Real Estate) Google is putting a large emphasis on local businesses and local domains. Top 10 organic results for all my keywords in all markets have country specific CCTLDs. I decided to migrate from a single domain strategy to a multi domain strategy. I own the domains. The new structure is -> -> -> All the website have been added to google search console and 301 redirects are in place and working correctly. The pages are all interlinked and have rel=alternate to each other. The sitemaps are all done correctly. My question is how do I tell Google about this. The change of address feature only works for changing one domain to one other domain. It's been a week and the old domain is still showing up (even considering 301 redirects). Or do I just need to be patient and wait it out? Any tips?

    International SEO | | cellydy

  • international seo

    We've just recently launched our website in Canada and our web crawler is showing some pages with "&Country=CA", even if the current page already includes Country=CA. Why is this and how would we go about resolving?

    International SEO | | nicole.nelson03

  • international seo schema schema markup serp features hreflang tags

    Hello everyone, Finally, after moving our hreflang tags from our sitemap to our header HTML, Google seems to start displaying the correct URLs in the SERPs. From what I can see - Google folds URLs, so instead of indexing all pages, it only selects an English version of our site but displays a different URL based on our hreflang tags (not sure if that's good or bad or if I should work towards a full indexation). However - I am now facing the issue that the wrong currency will often be displayed in my SERPs. E.g. in Australia I may have Euros or in Canada we see British Pounds (i.e. /en-ca/* URL shows in SERPs but the /en-gb/* URL is actually indexed). Is there any way around this? I was searching for a solution and found some but seems like most don't exist anymore ( at least if I try and dig deeper into the source. What's the current recommendation?

    International SEO | | sriffs

  • seo tactic seo international seo seo rankings seo expert

    I have a website which I want to rank in UK, NZ and AU and I want to keep my domain as .com in all the countries. I have specified the lang=en now what needs to be done to rank one website in 3 different English countries without changing the domain extension i.e. or

    SEO Tactics | | Ravi_Rana

  • international seo

    I have got an interesting situation where I have a client who wants to merge two ccTLD's into one. They currently have .fi and .com and they want to merge both sites to .com .fi is for finland and .com for USA. They want to merge the sites and the original plan was to use subfolders for each country and pair with hreflang. However the team now wants to merge both sites with NO subfolders differentiating between finland or the US. My understanding of International SEO that this is the most opposite from best practices, but is there any specific reasons why they wouldn't want to do this? I'm struggling to find any specific reasons that I can cite to the client that would argue why we should at least do a subfolder or some sort of international seo strategy.

    International SEO | | JKhoo

  • international seo seo international google rankings

    Hi there, I have a question regarding international SEO and the APAC region in particular. We currently have a website extension .com and offer our content in English. However, we notice that our website hardly ranks in Google in the APAC region, while one of the main languages in that region is also English. I figure one way would be to set up .com/sg/ (or .com/au/ or .com/nz/), but then the content would still be in English. So wouldn't that be counted as duplicate content? Does anyone have experience in improving website rankings for various English-speaking countries, without creating duplicate content? Thanks in advance for your help!

    International SEO | | Billywig

  • redirect 301 redirect 302 international seo

    We need to establish if 301 or 302 response code is to be used for our auto redirects based on Accept-Language header.
    30x >
    30x >
    30x > The site architecture is set up with proper inline HREFLANG.
    We have read different opinions about this, Ahrefs says 302 is the correct one:
    302 redirect:
    "You want to redirect users to the right version of the site for them (based on location/language)." You could argue that the root redirect is never permanent as it varies based on user language settings (302)
    On the other hand, the lang specific redirects are permanent per language: IF Accept-Language header = en > 301 >
    IF Accept-Language header = ru > 301 > So each of these is 'permanent'. So which is the correct?

    International SEO | | fJ66doneOIdDpj

  • canonical international seo

    Hello, we are facing some issues on our project and we would like to get some advice. Scenario
    We run several websites (,,, etc..) all in French language . All sites have nearly the same content & structure, only minor text (some headings and phone numbers due to different countries are different). There are many good quality pages, but again they are the same over all domains. Goal
    We want local domains (be, ch, fr, etc.) to appear in SERPs and also comply with Google policy of local language variants and/or canonical links. Current solution
    Currently we don’t use canonicals, instead we use rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default": <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-BE" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-CA" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-CH" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-FR" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-LU" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="" /> Issue
    After Googlebot crawled the websites we see lot of “Duplicate without user-selected canonical” in Coverage/Excluded report (Google Search Console) for most domains. When we inspect some of those URLs we can see Google has decided that canonical URL points to (example): User-declared canonical: None
    Google-selected canonical: …same page, but on a different domain Strange is that even those URLs are on Google and can be found in SERPs. Obviously Google doesn’t know what to make of it. We noticed many websites in the same scenario use a self-referencing approach which is not really “kosher” - we are afraid if we use the same approach we can get penalized by Google. Question: What do you suggest to fix the “Duplicate without user-selected canonical” in our scenario? Any suggestions/ideas appreciated, thanks. Regards.

    International SEO | | Alex_Pisa

  • hreflang international seo

    Hey everybody, We recently migrated our to .com/en. Google for some reason is saying that the .com/en version has no hfrelang tags - even though they are clearly there and have had the same implementation as other language versions of the website. We also did a previous migration 6 months ago for the german version of our website and no hreflang problems there. We add our hreflang tags to our sitemap - which you can find here: Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks 🙏

    Technical SEO | | mooj

  • international seo serp features

    How can I be included in section in Serp for other languages like Persian e.g the keyword: بلیط هواپیما

    International SEO | | fareli

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