You can determine the validity of a domain by using various web-based applications and techniques. Here are some ways to check the age of a domain:
WHOIS Search: WHOIS databases contain registration details for domain names, and the date of their creation. You can utilize WHOIS search tools to discover the date of birth for the domain. Numerous domain registrars provide WHOIS lookup options through their websites or make use of specific WHOIS lookup sites.
Just put your website link like this:
Domain Age Checker Tool: There are several web-based tools designed specifically to determine the age of the domain. Just type in the domain's name, the tools give you details about the registration date and date of creation for the domain.
Wayback Machine: The Wayback Machine from the Internet Archive captures and archives snapshots of websites throughout time. When you enter a domain's URL into Wayback Machine it is possible to determine when the first image of the website was taken, and gives information about the website's time of existence.
Google Search Engines Search for earliest mentions of or mentions of the domain on search engines. Sometimes the date of origin or date of launch could be referenced in press announcements, or forums posts.
Data about the Domain's Registrar When you are able to access the domain's registry account (if you are the owner of the domain) typically, you will get information on the origin date of the domain in the dashboard of your account.
Be aware that these methods may not always give the exact date of its creation however they will provide a rough estimation of the age of the domain. Remember that domain age may not always accurately represent the date of birth or your web site and the contents that is associated with it, since domain names can be reused and sold or transferred.