I would tell you MD about over optimisation, there is nothing natural at all about creating tons of content all about one keyword "liquidation"... maybe you are trying to hard. Sometimes our SEO skills are our own worst enemy as we fill in all the cracks and make everything perfect and Google turns around and says "this is too perfect".
Turn his focus to conversions/goals and away from a keyword you will likely not hit for a while. Rather try get your users into your conversion funnel and to the products/services that are important. As Ray-pp mentioned, if your MD wants instant results he needs to put money into Google AdWords.
On a side note, if we are talking about the "wilsonfield.co.uk" website and you want to have good ranking on the word "Liquidation" then the word needs to be in the home page title towards the front of the title:
Not Optimised for Liquidation : Business Recovery, Insolvency & Personal Debt -Trust Wilson Field
Optimised for Liquidation: Liquidation | Business Recovery | Insolvency And Personal Debt -Trust Wilson Field
Then, on your Liquidation page the title should be:
Not Optimised for Liquidation : Liquidation does not have to mean the end of your business!
Optimised for Liquidation: Liquidation | Company Compulsory And Voluntary Liquidation
Hope that helps, will not get you first but you will jump quite a lot.