OK I think I found out some of your issues!
There are a few major ones. I hope you don't mind but I did some detective work and found out what your site was by the code screen grabs you posted on another reply below. 
OK so the first MAJOR ISSUE is that you have TWO BODY tags in your HTML! You need to check your code on all pages / templates and get it fixed ASAP. Archive.com shows that this has been a problem on your site since you did a redesign in OCT 2013. Google is looking at signals like this a lot more now and is not being favourable to them
My concern when you do a site: query in google is that your homepage does not show, it should be the first result. I see that you have 15,100 pages indexed.
When I search for your website "sitename.com.ar" I see in Google there is no title, description even the quick links are broken, just showing just one and saying untitled.
NEXT, All your pages have the same description and keyword tags! Whats going on there? I you cant make them unique then get rid of them, they are doing more damage and Google hates that stuff, I have had pages not show in SERPS because they have duplicate description tags. This happen to five of my pages recently that I somehow missed. But this is on every product Page of yours if not every page on the site.
Also I would remove the keywords meta tag, its pointless and will do you more harm than good.
The paths to your javascript and css files have two slashes (//) should only be one.
I would start with those changes and do a fetch in Google WMT and give it a few days, the homepage should reindex in a very short time frame maybe minutes.
After that we can take another look at the site. These are very basic issues that a large brand site like this should never be doing wrong, as you can see the damage it has caused. Lucky for you that you have only just started there and can be the knight in shining armour to sort it all out