certification is pretty much meaningless. I wouldn't trust it, and I don't know anyone else who would.
First, ask yourself if this certification provider is even up to snuff in their SEO skills. This particular site is not. Kris cracked me up on his post about :
"Before I’m even 10 seconds into the site I note that they didn’t even apply one of the most basic SEO fundamentals: Canonicalization
The lack of fundamental canonicalization on their site is just one of many telltale signs of weak SEO-fu. It's 3/13/2013 now, at almost 3:13p.m. and their site looks dated circa 2006. Goodness, they even have text written on to images..! And what's more, their images lack keyword-rich filenames and have no alt tags at all! images/featuredImage.jpg" alt="" /> just ain't good SEO. I wouldn't trust them to teach me. If they are true masters, such as, perhaps Yoast or SEOmoz, they'd practice what they preach.
A better way to learn and master SEO is to learn by doing.
Build your own site, and then optimize it for people and search engines. Follow the checklists and tremendous detail here at SEOmoz, and participate in the forums here if you can't find an answer for your question first by searching the SEOmoz blogs.
If you want to learn SEO but don't want to develop your own site, you can always help build links to my site about rap similes and metaphors, Perhaps test your skills by trying to improve the ranking of the glennraps search result for
Good luck and godspeed!