Hard to be sure without digging in your site, but here are some thoughts.
WordPress just updated to 3.4.1, did you? Is there an updated to the Genesis Framework or the Pretty Young Thing Theme? Both of the above should be indicated in your WordPress Dashboard.
Did you delete the post on accident? It may have had no content, but would have the slug "fetal-doppler-questions-and-answers"?
Do the posts under your faq's have the correct parent file listed?
Did you change the slug from "FAQ" to "fetal-doppler-questions-and-answers"? If so, change the slug back to "FAQ" or whatever it was. You might have done this for SEO reasons. If you changed the slug for the page, and want it used for your FAQ, try this:
If the slug was FAQ, there may be a file named FAQ.php that tells WordPress to layout the page with slug "faq" using that file. So if you changed the slug from "FAQ" to "fetal-doppler-questions-and-answers", just change the file from "FAQ.php" to ""fetal-doppler-questions-and-answers.php" (CASE IS IMPORTANT.). Note, the file may be in the parent theme (Genesis).
Back up anything your about to change, and good luck.