Latest posts made by Invite_Them_Home
RE: SEO friendly H1 tag with 2 text lines
Looking at your code example, you will have a single H1 on your page. That is fine and recommended.
The rest of what you are doing is styling. Search engines will not care about that as long as you are not playing games like white text on a white background, etc.
posted in Intermediate & Advanced SEO
RE: Google Indexing Request - Typical Time to Complete?
Hi SEO1805
I agree with Casey, if you go into your Google Analytics account and do a fetch and render to check the new/revised page and then request indexing you will normally see the results updated in a few hours.
Do realize tho that of course google is not a single server, so one person may see the updates very soon and others may not right away as the search index propagates to Googles servers.
Of course the search consol will also tell you how many pages Google is visiting every day so you have an idea about how often they think you are updating your content.
Take care,
posted in Intermediate & Advanced SEO
RE: How often should I update the content on my pages?
Hi Lauren;
First of all, congratulations on the birth of you child! You now have at least two babies that need love and feeding 
To answer your question on how often to update your content, the answer is, it depends. This is a question that I get all the time, and happen to have done a blog post on last month. Here it is, and I hope it is helpful. I find that lots of time folks don't know what to post as much as how often.
If you have any questions or comments let me know and I will try to help.
Take care,
posted in Algorithm Updates
Best posts made by Invite_Them_Home
MSOE Engineer and security consultant. Used Internet to communicate with Eastern and Western European customers since 1995. Started Web and hosting company in 1999 and have happily moved on to SEO for the challenge and difference it makes to my customers.