@valigholami1386 said in how to do seo audit:
hello . i am a user that runs parsp website . i really need to know how to run a site audit to keep my job clean and my site works well ! i need help and i am a newbie in this job . thanks moz !
Hi there! Moz Pro is a great tool to help you perform a site audit for your website. Here are the steps you can follow to run a site audit using Moz Pro:
Set up your campaign: Sign up for a Moz Pro account and create a new campaign for your website. You'll need to provide your website's URL and select the location and search engine you want to track.
Run a site crawl: Once your campaign is set up, you can run a site crawl to identify issues with your website's structure and content. Go to the "Site Crawl" section of your campaign dashboard and click "Start New Crawl". Moz Pro will crawl your website and provide you with a report on issues like missing meta tags, broken links, and duplicate content.
Check your website's performance: Moz Pro also provides tools to help you measure your website's performance. Go to the "Site Performance" section of your campaign dashboard to view your website's load times and other performance metrics. Moz Pro will also provide suggestions for improving your website's performance.
Review your website's backlinks: Backlinks are an important factor in SEO, and Moz Pro can help you analyze your website's backlink profile. Go to the "Link Explorer" section of your campaign dashboard to view your website's backlinks and identify opportunities for improvement.
Create an action plan: Once you've identified issues with your website, create an action plan to address them. Moz Pro provides recommendations and tools to help you improve your website's SEO and overall performance.
I also use moz pro for audit my website "caculadora".
I hope this helps you get started with running a site audit using Moz Pro. Good luck!