Hi fassi34562!
Such great information from Robin!
The good news is, that if you already know that links to your website exist and you know where they come from, you can actually help Link Explorer to find them more quickly by adding them to a Link Tracking List!
Adding a link to the Link Tracking List will tell the Moz crawler to check the page for links to the Target URL. Your target URL can be a specific page, or you can use the domain URL. The important thing to remember if you are using a Link Tracking List to confirm existing links is to use specific page URLs in your list - this will make sure the crawler goes right to the page where the link exists. Otherwise, it may take time for the crawler to eventually get to the exact page within the site as Robin explained above 
Once the link is found (and as long as the page is not blocked) you will see the icons change in your list to show that the link has been found. You can also make notes so you have a record of any important information.
Here's a Guide to using Link Tracking Lists for all kinds of SEO tasks!! 
Hope that helps!