Service Area Businesses (SABs)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. When you purchase your location you will be required to enter a business address, so we can figure out the service area, you can then select the I don’t serve customers at my location checkbox. With this option selected your business address won’t be sent from us to our partner directories. However, please keep in mind that this option changes the directories that we support for your location. If a directory already has a business address for your SAB location it won’t be removed by selecting this option, you will need to reach out to them directly to have your address removed or hidden.
  • If customers have locations that are flagged as Service Area Businesses (SABs) with defined service areas in Google Business Profile, and they have not selected the checkbox in the profile settings in Moz Local for, “I don’t serve customers at my location address," then when the connection is made, Google Business Profile interprets that as a business with a physical location. Google Business Profile will then eliminate the defined service areas on the location's profile. Users must make sure they have ticked this box before connecting Google Business Profile for SABs.
  • If you have a hybrid location, you should not connect Google Business Profile (GBP), in order to avoid any unwanted overwriting of your Google Business Profile profile.
  • If you forget to check the checkbox reading “I don’t serve customers at my location address”, and then you sync Moz Local up to Google Business Profile, Google will interpret that you are now a brick-and-mortar business. This will in turn eliminate your defined service area. It’s critical that you check that checkbox when creating your Moz Local profile, so that Moz Local sends accurate data to Google and retains your service area.
  • If you would like to manage your hybrid location in Moz Local, you will want to leave the box for service area business unchecked. You will be still be able to enter a service area into Moz Local. This will help to ensure your physical address is still published for your location.

What's covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about how Service Area Businesses (SABs) can use Moz Local as well as the directory distribution available to SABs through the Moz Local platform. 

Quick Links

Managing SABs with Moz Local

Does your business operate in a particular service area? Moz Local is happy to support service-area businesses. When you purchase your location in Moz Local, you will be required to enter a business address, to help us determine your service area. You can then select the Service Area Only checkbox within the tool. With this option selected, your business address won’t be sent from us to our partner directories.


Please keep in mind that this option changes the directories that we support for your location. If a directory already has a business address for your SAB location, it won’t be removed by selecting this option. You will need to reach out to them directly to have your address removed or hidden.

Directory distribution for SABs

Directory     US      CA      GB   

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