Hi there! Tawny from Moz's Help Team here.
Thanks for writing in and sorry about the trouble!
I took a look at your Site Crawl results and your site, and I believe this is a result of our crawler's inability to work with Javascript. If your site is primarily Javascript, then the data you get back with regards to the crawl report won't be completely accurate because of this. There's no real workaround that I can recommend for this one, since it is a technical limitation of our tools, but there are some good blog posts and discussions in the Q&A about this if you head over to our Help Hub.
While the tools and data that rely on our crawl of your site may not return the best results because of that Javascript, your keyword rankings and link profile should work just fine.
You might also want to check out a few tools that are compatible with Javascript, like Botify or Screaming Frog.
I'm really sorry I can't be of more help here; I'll definitely be sure to pass this along to our Product team as feedback on your behalf.
If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us at help@moz.com.