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  • Unsolved

    da moz

    how can i get up my da?

    Moz Tools | | PeterHane
  • Unsolved

    domain authority
    I am working on improving this site now, but while searching, I found a site that allows me to create a blog and the site ranks high 77. If I create a blog for us and direct it to this site, will I get a high domain authority through this site? I don't know if the domains are spam or something like that.

    Moz Tools | | rashedkhalaf1991
  • Unsolved


    The domain authority has not changed for a few months; even I got some high-quality links from authority sites, and Moz has not crawled them yet? Can someone tell me how much time it generally Moz takes to crawl new links for a domain and update DA?
    My domain is

    Moz Tools | | peaceforchange00
  • Unsolved

    apple maps

    Hi there! I have been using Mozlocal for a local client for a few months now. They recently opened, so I began the syncing process a few weeks ago. Apple Maps is reporting as synced when I view it in my Listings, but when viewing the actual listing on Apple Maps, the hours are very wrong. It is an important time of year for this business, and appearing as not open for 6 days a week is not great. Is there anything else I can do through Mozlocal to get this listing fully synced?

    Moz Local | | Beth_Shockley
  • Unsolved

    spam score white hat

    How can I reduce the spamscore on my website?
    All the activities I did on my website were completely white hat and I did not do any spam jobs, but my spam score is 2%
    This is my site address
    Please help me how can I reduce the spamscore in my account?

    Moz Tools | | serktba
  • Unsolved

    moz tool da history

    Hello everyone!
    I want to know how to check the DA history of my website Inkjet Wholesale. Because I don't have any idea about Moz that how to use it. If anyone knows about DA's history check on Moz, please let me know.

    Moz Tools | | ZeonAley
  • Solved


    Re: Title Too Long - Seo importance 521bf443-0c95-46f7-b358-e8568a947a9e-image.png #titletoolong, #longtitlepages

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes
  • Unsolved

    increase da

    Google itself has been troubled by ranking factors. On top of that, the has worn a new garland of domain authority. It is even more regrettable when a website DA suddenly decreased. As recently on 22nd September, my website's DA was 16. As usual, on September 23, I posted a new informational blog related to QuickBooks antivirus exclusions on my website. The very next day my website DA was decreased. Can anyone who knows SEO help me understand why this always happens specially to me every time? I read the whole forum and all I found out is how my site's DA is decreased.
    Can anyone let us know whether we can increase the Domain Authority of our website only by creating backlinks or there can be some other activities also?

    Moz Bar | | ravigaurav

  • keyword ranking keywords

    I have a blogging website where I post about famous food, home remedies, and more. When I started my website's keywords were ranking on Google But Now a single keyword is not in the ranking list. That's why I have concerns about how I can fix it.

    SEO Tactics | |
  • Unsolved

    crawl error 404

    Hello, I've receiving these very weird 404's that seem to be crawled by Moz. I contacted rankmath first but they told me to turn to you. So how are the url's crawled? Because these seemed to be 'glued' together. They start with again. These are two existing pages that are now stuck together and are causing 404's. Please help alt text

    Support | | loes2911
  • Solved

    seo audit seo tactics

    hello . i am a user that runs parsp website . i really need to know how to run a site audit to keep my job clean and my site works well ! i need help and i am a newbie in this job . thanks moz !

    Moz Tools | | valigholami1386

  • shopify ecommerce url

    Hi, I'm a new bee here, Just wondering if we have some good but easy strategies to get a higher rank in PA and DA?
    My Store URL is [].
    We are selling Shoes, Watches and smart gadgets.
    We do shipping worldwide but need help from the community.

    Link Building | | BeriCollection

  • seo expert seo ranking seo tactics

    I have a site that has been having problems ranking. Initially, spam rate was at 18%. I have since changed the URL and forwarded to the original so now the spam rate is under 5%. Phone calls started picking back up very slowly but then by August 2024 things came to a screeching halt. Phone has been dead and very little business has been written. I did notice on the robots.txt file it had this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: Googlebot
    User-agent: bingbot
    Disallow: /no-bing-crawl/
    Disallow: wp-admin and now I have since changed it to this:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: My question is what else do I need to do to get this site to start ranking again? We are blogging once a month, writing press releases once a month, updating the social media a few times a week. I feel like maybe there is something on the backend that needs to be done to get this site back to ranking. I am using SEO by Yoast and I have filled in the title and meta description fields for all pages. There is a spot in Yoast where I can validate the site with Google, Bing, etc. I'm trying to figure out how to do that. I do see in the site's Google Webmaster Tools there are several pages not indexing. Any ideas on what else I can do to get this site to start ranking again? Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | SOM24

  • canonical & redirect

    I'm working with a website that has turned one of its pages into its own website within the main website - mostly for the ease of customers, making it simpler to access that page using rather than
    As a result, there are two urls for that page (the ones just mentioned), both pointing to the exact same page, but with different urls. Now, they have made it so permanently redirects to which I thought was a good call. However, what do I do about canonicalization? Is it good to point the canonicalization of to so that the rankings and link equity are maintained in the main website? Or would the fact that the redirects to mess that up? I hope this makes sense!

    Technical SEO | | Shrine.SEO.Gal

  • keyword rankings domain

    I used to use Searchmetrics (years ago) which enabled me to add in the domain name into their website, and it would provide all the keywords that rank for it. Does Moz do that do you know? Thanks

    Keyword Research | | patn_studio
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Hello, I have a client that I want to do local SEO for. They have two locations, both cities in Tennessee. To do this, would I just start two separate locations in Moz Local? Or would that cause a problem, making them look like separate "entities" in directories?

    Moz Local | | ljudy
  • Unsolved

    404 error redirect list of urls

    Hello, This feels like it should be straightforward but I'm not having much luck. I have a pdf url which is no longer in use and takes the user to a 404 page. I want to find all instances of when this pdf url is used on my site so I can update the copy and remove the link. Please note - a redirect is not the right solution for this issue. Hope you can help. Thanks, Mary

    Moz Bar | | rj_dale
  • Unsolved

    seo tools seo audit

    Check the Domain Age on THE SEO TOOLS KING
    Get Free seo tools only on THE SEO TOOLS KING

    Moz Tools | | seotoolsking

  • Hello sir i noticed that my DA is Dropped From 27 to 26 Of this website What is the reason I don't i try a lot to find a solution but not get . But I notice that in google webmaster tool the domain linking increased every time but on the, not domain added even my DA Dropped. Even When i checked my site on   he shows approx 350 domain with high da and pa. help me i am getting frustrated. Is that Moz is crawling All domain Fairly or not ??

    Link Building | | rishu578
  • Solved

    copywriting writingtool

    A long time ago... I used a tool on Moz that helped me to write content for my website. It told me all my mistakes and errors and made suggestions on how to fix them to help rank the page. Great tool! But now I can't find it.
    It's similar to SEMrush's SEO Writing Assistant, but better. Can anyone point me in the right direction please, I need to find it asap. Many thanks in advance.

    Moz Tools | | laurentjb

  • Hey guys i need know whether targeting homepage for local SEO is good or creating separate page for locatin

    On-Page Optimization | | moz12pro

  • ranking ecommerce

    I am working on an e-commerce niche website and I aim to rank higher on Google to drive more traffic to my website. Any suggestions?

    Link Building | | digitalenginehub

  • keyword ranking

    I've recently implemented the page optimization recommendations provided by Moz Pro to help our site rank for specific keywords on certain pages. It’s been about a week since we made these changes, and we’re happy to report that our optimization scores for the targeted keywords and URLs are looking strong. I did create these pages with our intended keywords in mind. However, two questions about the page optimization tool: Ranking Expectations: Since our optimization scores are good, when might we start seeing improvements in our keyword rankings? We know that SEO results can take time, but we would appreciate any insights on a typical timeline based on your experiences. Optimization and Search Intent: While the tool’s optimization suggestions have been helpful, we’re curious about how they factor in search intent. How does Moz Pro’s advice take into account variations in search intent, especially if users search using slight variations of the keywords we’re targeting?

    SEO Tactics | | Cricket93

  • Bing is crawling our site, but not indexing it, and we cannot figure out why -- plus it's being indexed fine in Google. Any ideas on what the issue with Bing might be? Here's are some details to let you know what we've already checked/established: We have 4 301’s and the rest of our site checks out We’ve already established our Robots is ok, and that we are fixing our site map/it's in fine shape We do not see anything blocking bingbot access to the site There is no varnish or any load balancers, so nothing on that end that would be blocking the access We also don't see any rules in the apache or the .htaccess config that would be blocking the access

    Technical SEO | | Alex_RevelInteractive

  • redirects urlredirect optimization site structure business

    I have a website with less than 3K visits a year. Only customers with an Account with me who have login credentials can see my product pricing and make a purchase onsite; therefore, indexing/page ranking is not a concern for me. My agency suggests that my product catalog be corrected to a parent/child relationship. Currently, each product variation has its own SKU and PDP. As a result, product findability: Site Search, Categorization, and Facets are a mess. Is there any way I can keep my current URL (branding purposes)? I thought we could delete all pages (PLPs & PDPs) and create all new and enforce 301 redirects. Thoughts?

    Community | | SEOfreshman
  • Solved

    payment issue

    Hi, I’m trying to upgrade from the Starter to the Standard plan, but I keep encountering an error: "Failed to send subscription update to Stripe." Could you please assist me in making the switch?

    Product Support | | Devesh_Chauhan
  • Unsolved


    I want to rank as a top RE Agent for local searches. What do I do now that I'm a Moz Local subscriber? #google #bing

    Moz Local | | DonavanTysonTeam

  • seo expert

    Hey everyone, i am creating a blog post on Top SEO Experts in the World. I need your recommendation who is in the top 10 list? Your suggestions is highly appreciated for me. Thanks!

    International SEO | | gxpl09

  • When I enter my domain in the free analysis tool, I get a "bummer, no data found". I am certain whatever is causing that to happen is causing other SEO problems

    Getting Started | | verdet3232

  • local seo nap change of address tool

    Hello, I'm looking to change a business address to a new one on a Google business profile (still in the same area but on a different street). So, I'll need to update all citations and website with the new address - Is it recommended to update the citations & website first, and then change the address on the Google business profile, or vice-versa? Looking to do this as safely as possible without negatively impacting the rankings much. I'm seeing a lot of conflicting information on this. Thanks in advance.

    Local SEO | | UpLinkSEO

  • backlinks backlink profile blog post backlinks

    Hello, I need to make sure I understand this correctly. Will it help my SEO if I: find local businesses with a good DA & low spam score select businesses that are somehow related to mine (Insurance Agency) offer to guest post and include a backlink on their blog ( ask them if they'd like to reciprocate) For example, businesses such as
    Roofing companies
    moving companies
    etc Please let me know if there's anything I'm missing? Many thanks

    Link Building | | laurentjb

  • So here comes the hard part of working with SEO.... I've been doing SEO for a quite long time now and as far as I concern, it has been working and that's why I can tell people I'm a SEO Manager! It was all good until 3/4 months ago when I got this client that wanted me to do SEO for his Escort Agency. I've analysed his website and came across some structure error, poor linking and so on... I've started by reformulating his website, re-structuring his urls, keeping good pages and throwing alway the poor content ones, requested some website owners to remove links to that website and so on.... All good and sorted, but when it came to do the off-page optimisation it  became a nightmare! It's pretty easy to get links for a clothing website or any other (not "obscure") kind of websites, but no serious and authority websites would link to an escort agency; It's also very easy to create something funny and nice and post it on a page of your website to get people sharing and liking on facebook, but again very hard to get people to share and like things posted by an escort agency... You can't really advertise on escorts directories and use keywords on the ad because godfather google would penalize you.... I really don't know what to do anymore, so I will list some questions and if guys SEO experts could help me out, I would be so grateful!!! How can I get people linking to the website without paying for it? How can I get good authority links to this kind of website? How can I advertise on paid directories without being penalised by google? How can i get shares and likes on social network websites? The website has about 3000 pages, been online since 2010, have at least 3 lengthy articles posted a day! Please guys help me out with this case that is making me loose my nights of sleep... If you guys need the website address and the targeted keyword I can PM you (I dont know if the forum allows me to post it here) Thank You so much for the help in advance....

    Social Media | | douglasapuc

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter

  • hey moz community i want to ask something i have blog on guitars.this blog is 7 months old and i created backlink on it.but today i am checking DA of my website its 7 how can i increase it

    Link Explorer | | waqazolqa
  • Unsolved

    rogerbot moz crawler

    The bot is overloading my server. How to solve it?

    Moz Pro | | paulavervo

  • Trying to search for high engagement influencers on Instagram and have had suggestions that include Klear and Hypr, but they are expensive. Anything out there like Followerwonk? Thanks

    Social Media | | vinadvisor
  • Solved

    content development content optimization

    A long time ago I'm pretty sure I used a tool that helped me write content for a webpage. It checked my writing as I typed and gave suggestions. I can't find the tool anymore. I hope I didn't imagine it as it was really useful..

    Product Support | | laurentjb

  • redirect redirect chain

    How do I carry out a redirect? Is there a code I need to use? Thank you in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | laurentjb

  • Whats the deal with the date at the start of the meta descriptions? I have not really looked into this but I'm guessing its a blog thing? Take this search The beautifully crafted meta description is now being cut short even though its within the character limit and is now only showing 36 characters! Is there a way to remove this? Thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | CraigAddyman

  • locksmith west palm beach emergency locksmith locksmith near me auto locksmith

    Hi, I'm trying to find better high-volume and low-competition traffic keywords for my business. Can you share the strategy about volume and competition grade that are good for the keywords list that I'm planning to use for internal blog articles? I am just looking for more organic traffic. Thanks.

    Keyword Research | | FIT

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