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  • Unsolved

    spam score white hat

    How can I reduce the spamscore on my website?
    All the activities I did on my website were completely white hat and I did not do any spam jobs, but my spam score is 2%
    This is my site address
    Please help me how can I reduce the spamscore in my account?

    Moz Tools | | serktba
  • Solved

    issue fixing

    I am facing a problem when I solve any issue in my running campaign.
    Is there any option to see once I fix the issue and my campaign shows it instantly or how I can see that my exiting issue after I fix it? Can any one suggest me, please?

    Moz Tools | | ClippingOutsources
  • Unsolved

    domain authority

    when i am searching my domain its showing no data found. fix it

    Moz Tools | | qasimiqbal22

  • Hi.
    I have been creating backlinks for my website since 2 months. The backlinks are from different linking domains. The issue is that moz is not showing me all the backlinks that i have created. It is displaying only 10% of all the backlinks of my domain homepage. Is there any way to tell moz about all the backlinks i'm building?

    Link Explorer | | rajas2019
  • Unsolved


    The domain authority has not changed for a few months; even I got some high-quality links from authority sites, and Moz has not crawled them yet? Can someone tell me how much time it generally Moz takes to crawl new links for a domain and update DA?
    My domain is

    Moz Tools | | peaceforchange00

  • So here comes the hard part of working with SEO.... I've been doing SEO for a quite long time now and as far as I concern, it has been working and that's why I can tell people I'm a SEO Manager! It was all good until 3/4 months ago when I got this client that wanted me to do SEO for his Escort Agency. I've analysed his website and came across some structure error, poor linking and so on... I've started by reformulating his website, re-structuring his urls, keeping good pages and throwing alway the poor content ones, requested some website owners to remove links to that website and so on.... All good and sorted, but when it came to do the off-page optimisation it  became a nightmare! It's pretty easy to get links for a clothing website or any other (not "obscure") kind of websites, but no serious and authority websites would link to an escort agency; It's also very easy to create something funny and nice and post it on a page of your website to get people sharing and liking on facebook, but again very hard to get people to share and like things posted by an escort agency... You can't really advertise on escorts directories and use keywords on the ad because godfather google would penalize you.... I really don't know what to do anymore, so I will list some questions and if guys SEO experts could help me out, I would be so grateful!!! How can I get people linking to the website without paying for it? How can I get good authority links to this kind of website? How can I advertise on paid directories without being penalised by google? How can i get shares and likes on social network websites? The website has about 3000 pages, been online since 2010, have at least 3 lengthy articles posted a day! Please guys help me out with this case that is making me loose my nights of sleep... If you guys need the website address and the targeted keyword I can PM you (I dont know if the forum allows me to post it here) Thank You so much for the help in advance....

    Social Media | | douglasapuc

  • I can understand my website age is a big issue but now I want you to help me. I have been doing guest posts for increasing the domain authority but no good result. I just want you to let me what should I do next? AmazeInvent

    Link Building | | alexmurphy1122
  • Unsolved

    homepage keyword ranking

    Can anyone shed some light on how a competitor can have over 500 keywords for the home page, which I can not see when I read through the page itself. I have looked at the page sauce "keywords and is lists less than 10,. So my question is how can Moz say it has over 500 when i cant see them or has the site hidden them. If they are hidden Google has not penalised them for keyword stuffing. Can anyone shed some light on this Thanks in advance

    Product Support | | rubierae1524

  • ahrefs keyword potential traffic volume moz pro

    Hi! I am curious what is the Moz equivalent of "potential traffic" metric in Ahrefs? Is there any keyword metric I can check in Moz to receive data on potential traffic rather than only volume? Thanks in advance!

    Keyword Research | | Siir

  • shopify ecommerce url

    Hi, I'm a new bee here, Just wondering if we have some good but easy strategies to get a higher rank in PA and DA?
    My Store URL is [].
    We are selling Shoes, Watches and smart gadgets.
    We do shipping worldwide but need help from the community.

    Link Building | | BeriCollection

  • traffic

    My 15 or so clients have all seen a drop in organic traffic by about 20% on GA4 for April. Rankings have not dropped or anything like that - so just wondering if anyone else has had similar?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Contentcoms

  • domain analysis

    My domain age is more than 200 days in these 200 days i got many links but my domain authority is not increasing what can be the reason of this?
    my domain

    Community | | Malik0672

  • azeem safi azeemsafi who is azeem safi tech

    I am Working on Tech Niche Website My Website Title is Azeem Safi: Technology News, Gadgets, Howto, Reviews & More and I want to Rank on Google and Drive more traffic on Google. Please Guide me

    Link Building | | ciwili3115
  • Solved

    spam score

    My domain is for a regular company website and someone sent a lot of external links on different low-quality websites on the internet. Now the score is very high about 75%. If I disavow the unusual links from google search console. Is it possible to reduce the spam score? Is MOZ associated with GOOGLE Data? Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | niaokun683807
  • Unsolved

    oblscore blogging offpage

    I've been working on optimizing my website, and I recently noticed that my Outbound Link (OBL) score isn't as good as I'd like it to be. I understand that OBL scores can impact my site's overall SEO performance. Could anyone share tips or best practices on how to improve the OBL score of my site? What should I focus on when adding outbound links, and how many are ideal to maintain a healthy OBL score? Also, are there any tools or reports in MOZ that can help me monitor and improve my OBL score effectively? I am new to blogging. your help will be appreciated

    Moz Tools | | hasannimam47
  • Unsolved

    keyword explorer

    While using keyword research tool I am constantly getting this "Getting serp analysis failed. Please retry your search or refresh this page" Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 7.52.37 PM.png

    Moz Tools | | moz559000
  • Unsolved

    da moz

    how can i get up my da?

    Moz Tools | | PeterHane

  • indexed urls seo seo audit

    I would like to know what tools I should use and how to investigate damage to my website I hired a person to do some work to my website but they damaged it. That person was on a freelance platform and was removed because of all the complaints made about them. They also put in backdoors on websites including mine and added content. I also had a second problem where my content was being stolen. My site always did well and had lots of keywords in the top five and ten, but now they are not even in the top 200. This happened in January and feb. When I write unique articles, they are not showing in Google and need to find what the problem is and how to fix it. Can anyone please help

    Technical SEO | | blogwoman1
  • Unsolved


    I want to rank as a top RE Agent for local searches. What do I do now that I'm a Moz Local subscriber? #google #bing

    Moz Local | | DonavanTysonTeam

  • old content update or delete

    Hi, my site is related to education and i published more than 6000 articles from last 10 years, i naver delete but frequently update the Good Articles but some old articles that is not giving visitors, i did not update and some of them are short articles. i started in year 2021 and many articles in year 2012 to 2023 i write. please check my site and advise can i delete old out dated articles ? and countinue writing new articles with same topics, actuly from last month of August 2023 my site visitors lost with time from more than 70 percent.
    thank so much for advise.
    can i delete out dated content?
    some of my contents are not ranking even i update before it was on top position but now even after update still other website is ranking more than me in current year.
    #old Content ?
    #update or delete?

    Content Development | | bedah

  • seo content optimization

    I am a college student studying Information Sciences and was "hired" by my uncle over the summer to work and maintain his baseball-related website, which he started in 2016. His posts provide very in-depth information but were created without a focus on SEO. I've noticed that a competing site, which seems to have started as an e-commerce site, is ranking higher than my uncle's site for the query "how much does a baseball weigh." Interestingly, this competing site ranks for keywords like "mass of baseball," even though these exact keywords are not present in the post. Given the recent Google updates and changes in rankings, I'm trying to understand: How can an e-commerce site with seemingly less specific content outrank a detailed blog post?
    What strategies can I employ to improve the ranking of my uncle's site for this specific query?
    Are there tools or methods I can use to analyze why the competitor is ranking higher and how to address it?
    I recognize I am not well-versed in SEO, so any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | sf9090
  • Solved


    Re: Title Too Long - Seo importance 521bf443-0c95-46f7-b358-e8568a947a9e-image.png #titletoolong, #longtitlepages

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes

  • I understand a lot of people in the SEO world think that everything should be under one site, but if a European school wants to expand its presence in the USA, the current domain authority is 30/100 for the European website. The school is thinking of opening another school in the USA, should they just create a subdomain on the same European site or have a new site for the USA because it's better for the branding?
    Any SEO experts can chime in here?

    On-Page Optimization | | marketingextra
  • Unsolved

    domain analysis

    Hello, Moz pro dont do domain analysis of number of websites while other software can easily do.
    my website domain analysis cant be done. here is my URL

    Moz Tools | | asadholyghost

  • Hi All I am running a website, I have been using Moz since Feb 2021. Kindly go through these pics My question is why Moz is showing 2K plus backlinks while Google search console is showing just 1253 backlinks. Why fewer links in the google search console is less? How can I increase Google search console backlinks? Also, Moz is showing 90+ DA backlinks but those websites are not showing by the Google search console. What should I do to let google consider them? m0JGjBQ.jpg Cmp8ei3.png

    Link Building | | ssubodhsingh

  • If our website is I am wanting to create a subdomain or subdirectory for each major city for SEO targeting purposes. But I want each domain to go to our see the same content from the main website What's the best way to accomplish this? Duplicating our main page over and over sounds terrible , especially when trying to make changes down the road. Should we create an alias for each location? example..,, etc...? If we go that route how does google acknowledge that? Would that mess up our SEO or help? Thanks!

    Link Building | | michaelfisk

  • I am facing issue regarding to my Blog As some pages are not Rank in google yet. Can Anyone help me out how to rank those blogs to improve my Traffic. Thanks in Advance.

    Technical SEO | | qwaswd
  • Unsolved

    crawl performance

    I'm looking to do a 1-off Performance Metrics analysis across dozens of pages on a single website - a prospective client. I thought it would be part of the On-Demand Crawl.

    Moz Tools | | amandacash85896

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter
  • Unsolved

    site crawl

    Hi, In Moz pro, when using Site crawler (or recrawl), we are seeing message site is banned. But when using on-demand crawler, it could generate report successfully. I just like to know if in both these cases, it is roberbot that is used! And kindly note, site crawler was perfectly working before. So the required setup is already in place from long time. Site crawler ban issue started appearing from nov/dec 2023. . Could you please us understand how could we possibly make site-crawler work?
    I am happy to provide more details if you need any. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | gilesd

  • My website is,it is a E-commerce Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Link Building | | offilery

  • Hello sir i noticed that my DA is Dropped From 27 to 26 Of this website What is the reason I don't i try a lot to find a solution but not get . But I notice that in google webmaster tool the domain linking increased every time but on the, not domain added even my DA Dropped. Even When i checked my site on   he shows approx 350 domain with high da and pa. help me i am getting frustrated. Is that Moz is crawling All domain Fairly or not ??

    Link Building | | rishu578
  • Unsolved

    moz tool da history

    Hello everyone!
    I want to know how to check the DA history of my website Inkjet Wholesale. Because I don't have any idea about Moz that how to use it. If anyone knows about DA's history check on Moz, please let me know.

    Moz Tools | | ZeonAley
  • Unsolved

    getting started

    Im new to Moz and would like to get the most out of it as quickly as possible. so like the subject say - What are the top 5 things you would recommend I should to get the most out of Moz? #getstarted

    Getting Started | | djnlowe

  • seo expert

    Hey everyone, i am creating a blog post on Top SEO Experts in the World. I need your recommendation who is in the top 10 list? Your suggestions is highly appreciated for me. Thanks!

    International SEO | | gxpl09

  • I have a new e-commerce site and I'm focused on optimizing it for SEO. If I am taking product photos, will having a step-and-repeat (background with our logo repeated) in the background of the product impact how the images are scanned by Google? In other words, would I benefit from having a plain background behind my item shots vs. a backdrop with our logos all across it? I don't want Google to think I'm spamming my logo across all our items, but also want our photos to be recognized as ours. I want to gain SEO from my effort and definitely not hurt it! Thanks!

    Branding | | A_Wo

  • best practice duplicated content

    Riddle me this.. best practice to manage Programme page (i.e 'Software Engineering') Has employer audience (cta - Onboard for staff) Has candidate audience (cta - create profile) From a conversion standpoint it makes much more sense to have these TWO pages here. One for each audience, even if much of the content is different. In this scenario, what is the best practice from an SEO standpoint?

    SEO Tactics | | WSatters
  • Unsolved

    ranking issue keyword rankings

    We have a keyword which is important to us and used to have rock steady rankings for over a decade. Over the past 9 months or so it has been fluctuating all over the place. Jumping up or down 20 places or so overnight. Any thoughts on this behaviour and what we should be doing to stabilise the ranking?Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 09.47.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | Hannahm24

  • I have been working on my site for the last 4 months and still, I am not getting improvement in site DA, PA, and site ranking.  Also, I am generating unique content.  Here is the Website link

    Moz Pro | | randomghrytu

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