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  • Unsolved


    The domain authority has not changed for a few months; even I got some high-quality links from authority sites, and Moz has not crawled them yet? Can someone tell me how much time it generally Moz takes to crawl new links for a domain and update DA?
    My domain is

    Moz Tools | | peaceforchange00
  • Unsolved

    domain authority

    when i am searching my domain its showing no data found. fix it

    Moz Tools | | qasimiqbal22

  • Back in June, we had seen a sharp drop in traffic on our website. We initially assumed that it was due to the Core Update that was rolled out in early June. We had switched from http to https in May, but thought that should have helped rather than cause a problem. Until early June the traffic was trending upwards. While investigating the issue, I noticed that only a fraction  (25%) of the AMP pages have been indexed. The pages don't seem to be getting indexed even though they are valid. Accordingly to Google Analytics too, the percentage of AMP traffic has dropped from 67-70% to 40-45%. I wonder if it is due to the indexing issue. In terms of implementation it seems fine. We are pointing canonical to the AMP page from the desktop version and to the desktop version from the AMP page. Any tips on how to fix the AMP indexing issue.  Should I be concerned that only a fraction of the AMP pages are indexed. I really hope you can help in resolving this issue.

    Technical SEO | | Gautam

  • Hi, I have a series of websites that have been offline for seven years. Do you guys have any tips that might help restore them to their former SERPs glory? Nothing about the sites themselves has changes since they went offline. Same domains, same content, and only a different server. What has changed is the SERPs landscape. I've noticed competitive terms that these sites used to rank on the first page for with far more results now. I have also noticed some terms result in what seems like a thesaurus similar language results from traditionally more authoritative websites instead of the exact phrase searched for. This concerns me because I could see a less relevant page outranking me just because it is on a .gov domain with similar vocabulary even though the result is not what people searching for the term are most likely searching for. The sites have also lost numerous backlinks but still have some really good ones.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • I unsure how my page got backlinked on this "passive DNS" website: This looks to be my only inbound link, so I am  worried this is negatively affecting my site ranking. Is this 56% spam score link negatively affecting my website? If so, any suggestions? Any feedback or insight would be greatly appreciated as I am very ignorant to what this person's webpage is about and why my page was linked.. Sincerely, Hayden My website:

    Industry News | | CashFlo_Trading
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Hello, I have a client that I want to do local SEO for. They have two locations, both cities in Tennessee. To do this, would I just start two separate locations in Moz Local? Or would that cause a problem, making them look like separate "entities" in directories?

    Moz Local | | ljudy
  • Unsolved

    spam score white hat

    How can I reduce the spamscore on my website?
    All the activities I did on my website were completely white hat and I did not do any spam jobs, but my spam score is 2%
    This is my site address
    Please help me how can I reduce the spamscore in my account?

    Moz Tools | | serktba

  • Hello sir i noticed that my DA is Dropped From 27 to 26 Of this website What is the reason I don't i try a lot to find a solution but not get . But I notice that in google webmaster tool the domain linking increased every time but on the, not domain added even my DA Dropped. Even When i checked my site on   he shows approx 350 domain with high da and pa. help me i am getting frustrated. Is that Moz is crawling All domain Fairly or not ??

    Link Building | | rishu578

  • I have a bit of an odd scenario for you. I'm working with a content marketing company based in Sydney, AU**.** Oddly, this web property ranks for almost 4x as many keywordsin the US than the AU. (See attached). It also ranks much more favorably for target keywords in NZ. This is despite having an AU ccTLD, proper geolocation targeting in GSC, and Google My Business and other NAP citations pointing towards an AU address. To add to this geo-targeting issue, the site has absolutely bombed in search visibility over the past year. We are talking more than halving our search exposure. **What's been done: ** Sitemap created and submitted. All versions of GSC created and verified. New site structure for top level landing pages. Redirects okay. Internal link structure okay. Robots.txt and other indexing issues fine. Google My Business fixed (Incorrect NAP previously). No duped content. No known penalties Site crawl - no major issues. html lang changed from "en-US" to "en-AU". Reduced load speed by over 100%. Fixed an issue with Yoast creating duped pages for media files (same title tags on orphaned pages). Currently auditing and working through citations. Removed .js banner causing indexing issues. Removed a sitewide footer link from an external site, sending 20k inbound links w/same anchor. http --> https redirects okay. Title tags structured properly, and targeting well-researched KWs. **Despite these necessary corrections, I haven't seen a blip of life. ** TL;DR, Poor visibility in general, especially over the past year. More favorable rankings in foreign search (not AU). Stumped! H8i2D9u AGBvD3q eM4nwTV

    Local Listings | | Jeff_Baker

  • I'm trying to make an SEO backlinks and anchors report on my website When using the Link Explorer, I see no backlinks to  show while I have create much more backlinks on this website. How to fix the issue? How can I check and correct report of my backlinks? Website is  I also need some how to track a keywords?

    Link Building | | fassi34562

  • ranking ranking issue

    I am trying to work out why from March 4th Google is not seeing my posts. Our google impressions have dropped from 8,000 to 40. If you put in the full article name with speach marks it does not find it, and instead shows the home page in google. We have not had any warnings. We did have work done on our site but nothing else i could think of to cause this. Can anyone let me know what may have caused this. All articles are original

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter

  • seo seo expert

    Hi - I have a site Simply Stairlifts and I don't understand it but I've followed all the SEO processes of cleaning the site and building links, but ranking just keeps falling - any advise would be very gratefully received 👍 .

    SEO Tactics | | Naju231
  • Unsolved

    ranking issue keyword rankings

    We have a keyword which is important to us and used to have rock steady rankings for over a decade. Over the past 9 months or so it has been fluctuating all over the place. Jumping up or down 20 places or so overnight. Any thoughts on this behaviour and what we should be doing to stabilise the ranking?Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 09.47.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | Hannahm24

  • shopify ecommerce url

    Hi, I'm a new bee here, Just wondering if we have some good but easy strategies to get a higher rank in PA and DA?
    My Store URL is [].
    We are selling Shoes, Watches and smart gadgets.
    We do shipping worldwide but need help from the community.

    Link Building | | BeriCollection

  • We have brand logos on certain pages that have H1 tags in them - the H1 text being the brand's name, as this is what we'd want the title of the page to be.  The logos are at the top of the page instead of a written title. But is this the best option for SEO? Do search engines value H1 tags in images as highly as a standard H1 tag?Would it be better for SEO to add an alt tag to the logo and add a separate H1 tag on the page that's also the name of the brand?

    On-Page Optimization | | DVLighting

  • Hi Experts, I have follow backlinks from a domain for 6 months, but its not apear in Links to Your Site tools (search console) that domain has 302k indexed pages in google! Could you please explain me why google not showing this type of backlinks?

    Technical SEO | | denakalami

  • seo content optimization

    I am a college student studying Information Sciences and was "hired" by my uncle over the summer to work and maintain his baseball-related website, which he started in 2016. His posts provide very in-depth information but were created without a focus on SEO. I've noticed that a competing site, which seems to have started as an e-commerce site, is ranking higher than my uncle's site for the query "how much does a baseball weigh." Interestingly, this competing site ranks for keywords like "mass of baseball," even though these exact keywords are not present in the post. Given the recent Google updates and changes in rankings, I'm trying to understand: How can an e-commerce site with seemingly less specific content outrank a detailed blog post?
    What strategies can I employ to improve the ranking of my uncle's site for this specific query?
    Are there tools or methods I can use to analyze why the competitor is ranking higher and how to address it?
    I recognize I am not well-versed in SEO, so any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Competitive Research | | sf9090

  • old content update or delete

    Hi, my site is related to education and i published more than 6000 articles from last 10 years, i naver delete but frequently update the Good Articles but some old articles that is not giving visitors, i did not update and some of them are short articles. i started in year 2021 and many articles in year 2012 to 2023 i write. please check my site and advise can i delete old out dated articles ? and countinue writing new articles with same topics, actuly from last month of August 2023 my site visitors lost with time from more than 70 percent.
    thank so much for advise.
    can i delete out dated content?
    some of my contents are not ranking even i update before it was on top position but now even after update still other website is ranking more than me in current year.
    #old Content ?
    #update or delete?

    Content Development | | bedah
  • Solved

    issue fixing

    I am facing a problem when I solve any issue in my running campaign.
    Is there any option to see once I fix the issue and my campaign shows it instantly or how I can see that my exiting issue after I fix it? Can any one suggest me, please?

    Moz Tools | | ClippingOutsources
  • Unsolved


    I want to rank as a top RE Agent for local searches. What do I do now that I'm a Moz Local subscriber? #google #bing

    Moz Local | | DonavanTysonTeam

  • company name serps

    Hello! We have a client whose parent website is in Japan. The us site lives on a US subdomain. Google is pulling the Japanese company name into US search results. Any idea how we can fix this?

    Community | | SimpleSearch
  • Unsolved

    seo scripts

    Does Moz offer sales scripts to sell SEO services?

    Getting Started | | SeanMontes

  • I can understand my website age is a big issue but now I want you to help me. I have been doing guest posts for increasing the domain authority but no good result. I just want you to let me what should I do next? AmazeInvent

    Link Building | | alexmurphy1122

  • Hi everyone. I'm new here so apologies if I'm not asking an appropriate question - just let me know! Can anyone help me figure out why my blog ( isn't ranking at all for my name? I've run it through the standard Moz audit tools and it hasn't picked up any major issues. It ranks fine for my name plus " CTO", but doesn't appear anywhere in the top 50 without that qualifier. I realise there are many other 'James Crowley's to compete with but weirdly even my GitHub profile page appears to rank higher ( I moved the domain a while back (18 months+) and I used to rank highly, but it never seems to have recovered (all the standard redirects are in place, and told Google at the time about the move). Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | james.crowley
  • Unsolved

    homepage keyword ranking

    Can anyone shed some light on how a competitor can have over 500 keywords for the home page, which I can not see when I read through the page itself. I have looked at the page sauce "keywords and is lists less than 10,. So my question is how can Moz say it has over 500 when i cant see them or has the site hidden them. If they are hidden Google has not penalised them for keyword stuffing. Can anyone shed some light on this Thanks in advance

    Product Support | | rubierae1524

  • My website DA is gradually decreasing while I am updating my website regularly. Please suggest me good method to increase it. Site is Thanks

    Link Building | | james11223

  • Hi there, One of our website can't be crawled. We did get the error emails from you (Moz) but we can't find the solution. Can you please help me? Thanks, Tamara

    Product Support | | Yenlo

  • Hi I am working on a site that for search terms such as 'best washing machine in india' appears near the top of the 2nd page of Googl for url When looking at what is listed on the 1st page for 'best washing machine in india' I would appreciate any advice/guidance on what else could be done to give the site a final push to get on the 1st page of search results. I have made more than 60 backlinks along with sites from competitor analysis via moz for this page Looking at the sites that are on the 1st page I cant understand why many of them are ranking higher than me? Any insight and plan of attack would be most appreciated from any  search experts on the forum. My website is 2.5 months old. Many Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Pank0077

  • Hello everybody. I marked all of my tags in a WordPress site as "noindex,follow". Because my tags were made a lot of low-quality pages. Am I did it right? my website is:

    Content Development | | dannybaldwin

  • Hi all, I have noticed that a lot of companies put there brand/company name at the end of their page title. To me, that seems like a huge sacrifice of your limited 60 characters. Wouldn't it be better to use characters for words that people might actually be searching for?

    On-Page Optimization | | RaoulWB

  • I am having a website Suddenly I am noticing the website showing around 42% spam score. I simply cannot understand the reason behind it. The website contains only one backlink and that too it is guest posting backlink. Please explain to me why this is occurring with my site.

    Link Explorer | | stay.hungary

  • Yesterday, we uploaded a new campaign but it appears it has 0% of visibility and no keywords ranking. What might be the problem? The website has a domain authority of 39 and 500 visits in the last week. But according to the Moz campaign they don't even rank for the name.

    Product Support | | alessandrai

  • domain analysis

    My domain age is more than 200 days in these 200 days i got many links but my domain authority is not increasing what can be the reason of this?
    my domain

    Community | | Malik0672

  • I have been working on my site for the last 4 months and still, I am not getting improvement in site DA, PA, and site ranking.  Also, I am generating unique content.  Here is the Website link

    Moz Pro | | randomghrytu

  • ahrefs keyword potential traffic volume moz pro

    Hi! I am curious what is the Moz equivalent of "potential traffic" metric in Ahrefs? Is there any keyword metric I can check in Moz to receive data on potential traffic rather than only volume? Thanks in advance!

    Keyword Research | | Siir

  • I have a website that I'm considering selling. It gives no profit, but I think it has decent SEO value. Link explorer report: domain authority = 69, linking domains: 9.8k, inbound links: 44.2m, ranking keywords: 294. Is that any good? Website is about web design, so keywords are also related to it. Would it be useful for SEO links building for other people? I did sell similar website once, but it was about 7-8 years ago and I've sold it for very high 5 digit amount. However things have changed since then in SEO world, so I don't know if today similar website would be worth much. There is so much information out there that contradicts each other, so I think I'd rather ask professionals here.

    Paid Search Marketing | | CyberAlien7

  • seo expert

    Hey everyone, i am creating a blog post on Top SEO Experts in the World. I need your recommendation who is in the top 10 list? Your suggestions is highly appreciated for me. Thanks!

    International SEO | | gxpl09

  • My website is,it is a E-commerce Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Link Building | | offilery

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